The most critical needs: a durable projector with HDMI and sound capability, Laser printer and printing supplies, Stereo (CD, Bluetooth, Tape, & Vinyl Record capability) with Speakers, Choir Uniforms, Instrument Repair Kit (tools, corks, pads, strings, oil, etc.), Metronome, Tuner, Choir Music.

Kenya Outreach: Changing Lives Through Music Education

For three weeks in March 2023, Institute for Healthy Singing & Voice Research Fellows traveled to Kapkemich, Kenya, a small, rural village in western Kenya, to visit St. Anne’s High School and the Kapkemich Primary and Secondary Schools. The schools sought assistance in building music education programs. Such programs have recently been required by the Kenyan government.

Assessing School Needs

Fellow and Director of the IHS&VR, Jamea J. Sale, Ph.D., began an email exchange with head teachers of Kapkemich schools in the fall of 2022. Discussions centered around the need for instruments and teaching materials. From the Kenyan government, Kapkemich Primary/Secondary school received a small bundle of student workbooks and one soprano recorder. Clearly more music supplies were needed for the 800 school children.

At St. Anne’s Girl’s School, the 300+ students were seeking high school diplomas. Music Education was a new addition to the curriculum. However, they lacked a trained music teacher, music scores and resources, and instruments. The high school’s contract choir facilitator, who served several area schools, was enthusiastic yet frustrated at the lack of even basic essential tools like a keyboard and music literacy materials.

Assessing Teacher Needs

Jamea, with Christine Freeman, MME and Niccole Williams, MME, began assessing the schools’ needs from the teacher’s perspectives upon arriving in Kapkemich in March 2023. The team’s findings determined that the need was great not only for materials but for teacher education.

Classroom teachers found themselves charged with presenting the new Music Education curriculum, but most had yet to gain exposure to basic music literacy. Naturally, the educators were overwhelmed and concerned about their qualifications.

Fulfilling School and Teacher Needs Since the Fall of 2022, the Choral Foundation has worked to collect donations of band and classroom instruments.

“The school is committed to nurturing learner’s potential in music but faces a great challenge due to lack of musical instruments.” -Wycliffe Isatia. Kapkemich Primary-Secondary School Principal

During their time in Kenya, the IHS&VR Kenya Team, deemed the Kenya-Krew, taught basic music literacy skills like solfege, note and rhythm reading to the teachers and to the high school girls. Jamea, Christine and Niccole worked daily with around 80 primary-secondary children, demonstrating music lesson sequencing as the teachers observed, and at St. Anne’s Girl’s School, the team laid the foundations for healthy, efficient singing and achieving choral blend.

Ongoing Outreach The Kenya-Krew is seeking additional donations of music materials for the Kapkemich schools as well as funding to return to Kenya. Please follow our progress at our Kenya Blog and support the mission with your donations.

Join Our Instrument Drive

YOU CAN PROVIDE classroom and band instruments to the schools in Kapkemich, Kenya in one of 3 ways.
*All gifts are tax deductible

1. Make a cash donation: Use the link at the top of the page.

2. Donate new or gently used instruments at:
The William Baker Choral Foundation, Inc.
5450 Buena Vista Street, #100
Roeland Park, Kansas 66205
Office Phone: 913-488-7524

3. Shop and donate items directly using our Amazon Wishlist using the button below:

Classroom Music Instruments