Now in Collaboration with Ascentist Healthcare Laryngology Group

Now in Collaboration with Ascentist Healthcare Laryngology Group


Dr. Jamea J. Sale, Director
Institute for Healthy Singing & Voice Research

The Institute for Healthy Singing & Voice Research Fellows are thrilled to welcome voice specialists from Ascentist Laryngology, joining together to advance vocal health and expertise.

Vocal & Choral Pedagogy


Continuing Education


Voice Lessons


Choral Workshops


Vocal Recovery


Anatomy & Physiology of Voice


Healthy Speech & Singing


Grad Level CE Credits


Music Teacher Training


Vocal Performance




Managing the Aging Voice


Group Lessons


Grad Level CE Credits


Vocal & Choral Pedagogy * Continuing Education * Voice Lessons * Choral Workshops * Vocal Recovery * Anatomy & Physiology of Voice * Healthy Speech & Singing * Grad Level CE Credits * Music Teacher Training 〰️ Vocal Performance * Webinars * Managing the Aging Voice * Group Lessons * Grad Level CE Credits *

About Us

The Institute for Healthy Singing was created by Dr. William Baker and Lynn Swanson, MME as an educational outreach by the Choral Foundation in January 2015. The institute's mission is to present healthy voice use instruction, printed materials, webinars, clinics, and workshops for music educators, church musicians and singers, vocal instructors, public speakers, broadcast journalists, and child-to-aging adult singers. We are voice teachers, scientists, clinicians and performers who have a shared commitment to the well-being and optimal performance of the human voice. Our multidisciplinary approach brings together a wealth of knowledge and expertise benefitting voice-users of all ages.

Dr. Jamea J. Sale was appointed director of the institute in September of 2018, and under her leadership, the IHS expanded to include the performance of research devoted to peer reviewed vocal health and pedagogy. The organization was renamed The Institute for Healthy Singing and Voice Research in 2022.

IHS&VR Fellows: Our fellows are devoted clinicians, teachers, and researchers committed to quality music education scholarship. Each is highly trained in their specialties, having earned degrees and certifications from the University of Kansas Vocal/Choral MEMT Department, Northwestern University, University of Washington, Millikin University, University of Iowa, Rice University, The Royal Academy of Music in London, The Boston Conservatory, and the VoiceCare Network.

Kenya Music Education Outreach: In early 2022, the IHS&VR learned of a need for music education support in the Nandi Hills region of Kenya after governmental changes made music proficiency a requirement for high school graduation. The Institute for Healthy Singing and Voice Research has collected donations of band and classroom instruments for schools, and in March 2023, three fellows of the IHS&VR traveled to Kapkemich, Kenya to provide teacher education. Donations of music materials for the Kapkemich schools are ongoing, and the Kenyans have requesting additional training. Two teaching teams plan to return to the country during 2024. Funding is critically needed to continue the outreach. Please follow our progress at our Kenya Blog. To support the mission with your donations of music instruments and educational materials, contact us at or make a financial gift at Make-a-Gift.

Earn Graduate Level
Continuing Ed Credits with the IHS&VR

Learn about IHS&VR Kenya Outreach project which provides Music Education materials and training in Kapkemich, Kenya.

Learn about IHS&VR Kenya Outreach project which provides Music Education materials and teacher training in Nandi Hills of Kenya.

Developing Voices
Blog with
IHS&VR Fellows

The staff of the Institute for Healthy Singing is pleased to partner with the Developing Voices Blog, an educational resource created by IHS&VR Founder and Fellow Lynn Swanson.

Resources For Healthy Singing

Daily Voice Care Checklist

This is a condensed vocal health checklist helpful to singers and speakers of all ages.